Visit WebsiteMarin Professional Firefighters, IAFF Local 1775, is a proud member of California Professional Firefighters. CPF is the California State Council for the IAFF.
CPF’s mission is to improve the lives and working conditions of career firefighters – the men and women who have made public protection their life’s work. Its legislative advocacy has produced a string of successes in the areas of firefighter health and safety, retirement benefits and employee rights. CPF has also worked hard on legislation directly aimed at protecting public safety, co-sponsoring bills to bring critical new equipment to local fire departments and working to defeat measures that could put critical public services in the hands of private contractors.
California Professional Firefighters is an active participant in state politics, endorsing both statewide and legislative candidates and causes that promote the well-being of public safety professionals. CPF also provides crucial support and consulting to affiliated locals as they seek to elect local officials who are sensitive to the needs of public safety and those who provide it.
In addition to its legislative advocacy, CPF provides a full slate of services geared around the enhancement of the profession of firefighting. This includes an extensive health and safety program, active participation in the development of EMS regulations and services benefiting the retired firefighter. CPF has taken the leadership role in development of the California Firefighters Memorial, which is located on the grounds of California’s historic State Capitol.
Every time firefighters put on their uniforms, they are representing a proud profession. To them, firefighting is more than just a job. For that reason, California Professional Firefighters is more than just a union. CPF is a partner in building a better fire service for all Californians.